I contribute to cancer research whenever approached, be it at my work place or in the street.
Many JWs contribute at the personal level to different causes.
we know the wt interpretation of matt 25:40 is support of the anointed.
since most of us here are no longer in that situation, what, if any forms of charity are you involved in?
sorry for the awkward framing of the question, it's not meant to imply atheists, or non-christians are not charitable!
I contribute to cancer research whenever approached, be it at my work place or in the street.
Many JWs contribute at the personal level to different causes.
the awake on "hope for the homelessness" was one of the worse illustrations how the cult has no love for anyone that can't provide donations to further this spiritual ponzi scheme!
the premise of this awake made no sense, i've read many books and took classes on social issues affecting mankind, the awake does not help fix the problem.
what did this magazine offer those who are suffering the humiliation of living out of their cars or "tent city" or under a bridge?
JWs are definitely on the 'Christian' spectrum. However, they view Christianity in a different way than the mainstream religions do, and there are reasons why it is this way.
How they contribute to solving the troubles that plague humanity is done at a personal level, one a person at a time so to speak. Let me explain. In my Spanish cong there are several examples of individuals whose lives we lived while drinking in excess, smoking, drugs, and other unwise ways; since becoming JWs, these same people seem to live a better quality, cleaner life. So, rather than distributing food at the KH, the teachings dispensed there are spiritual food that, when put into practice, help the subject to take ownership of behavior and adjust it for a better outcome.
i have been frustrated by the inability of most jws to escape their bondage to the kh, despite repeated exposure to negative information about their religion and belief system.
perhaps it's due in part to something called normalcy bias- a definition i have found is:.
normalcy bias is part of human nature and, to some extent, we are all guilty of participating in it.
Oh poor thing, don't be frustrated, some can leave intact and some of us simply cannot stomach to pay the high price that leaving entails. So, while staying there, we accentuate the positive, concentrate on the relationships, totally ignore the bs rules/doctrines, and try to make the best of it.
Hey, look at it like the average liberal does: If by staying in this or any other religion one does not hurt anybody, then stay.
i decided to go to the bethel recruiting meeting yesterday to test out my theory that the organization is in decline.
i assumed that if there is a general feeling of apathy by many in the org, then certainly it would be shown up by the lack of enthusiasm or zeal by many to sign up for bethel service.
well let me say that based on what i observed, this organization is not going anywhere.
Religion as a whole is not going anywhere. As a religion, the WBTS will continue to evolve with the times and whoever it appeals to will remain, some test leave may return. That is the inevitable 'truth'.
story just broke in uk!!!!
a woman who claimed jehovah's witness elders failed to protect her from sex abuse carried out by a convicted paedophile has won a six-figure payout.
Results like these are what will drive a policy change.
ive had to make statements like this too many times.
communities like this have had to endure tragedies like this too many times.
once again, communities [were harmed] because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no problem getting their hands on a gun.. lets be clear: at some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries.
Please check out The Young Turks commentary regarding this issue. I could not agree more.
Right wing/conservative extremists/terrorists inflict a lot more damage in this nation than any other type of terrorist ever has/will.
this may have been posted before.
however, if you want to read the article about jw shunning and denial of this practice, then have a read.
there is mention of redefining "charity" in terms of how that operates.. http://www.smh.com.au/national/jehovahs-witnesses-a-cruel-cult-20130315-2g5x3.html.
Every single religion should lose tax exempt status.
The beer and the tequila are just soooooo good in Mexico!!!
Andale, andale, arriva, arriva!!!
i was inspired to post this because so many of you lovingly support your spouse by going to meetings conventions etc .knowing the crap your going to have to put up with , hoping that someday he/she will wake up to the bs.. and your willing to do this for as long as it takes .i take my hat off to you all.. it must take a lot of intestinal fortitude and love to do that .. smiddy.
Thanks Smiddy!
'Til death do us part....
Accentuating the good, the relationships, the faith, the positive makes it easier.
i was thinking about green handshakes, and i knew my wife and i personally would try to slide at least $100 each c.o visit to the c.o.
if we were low on cash, we'd never hand him less than $20.
how many of such handshakes does he receive in a weeks time?
COs and their wives rack in 100s each week, cash only, in lavish gifts is another story. I would be awe stricken if they report any of it for taxing or any other purpose.
In a NH Spanish cong there used to be an elder that had heavy ties with the airport through his job, and always flew free of charge the COs to any vacation destination. Oh, that brother and his family were so loved and had so many cushy privileges in the assemblies.